hi i'm lars

about me

i'm a mentally ill teenager. i'm not a person and also potentially several people. i have a substantial following online for some reason. among my many hobbies: theater, flute, poetry, posting online (same difference). i don't have that much to say, so most of this page is links to more interesting sites. everything on here is perennially broken, shifting, and unfinished

  • age 16
  • pronouns it/any/idc
  • languages EN (native), ES (badly)
  • timezone UTC−05:00
  • site button (thanks 760c)
  • alt. site button
my links
other stuffs
privacy & security
free as in freedom beer
more digital utils
HRT & transition
fuck 12
wikis/pedias besides wikipedia
neat blogs & journals
artsy things
good youtubers
pointless nerdery
webrings and such
not yet listed
  • the neocities editor button is my own edit of a button by eggramen
  • the responsive website button is an edit of a button by crazysodomite
  • "made with my own two paws", "cock sucking faggot", and "pepsi" are edits of buttons in this collection
  • "ublock origin" is an edit of a preexisting button
  • "all browsers are beautiful" was created by lian